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Dr. Han received her bachelor degree in Veterinary Medicine from Taiwan University and master degree and doctorate from The University of Tokyo (Japan). She was a Director of the Taiwan Liposomal Company, Study Director in preclinical toxicology division of Green Season Biotech Co. (Taiwan), Visiting Scholar at The University of Tokyo (Japan), Study Director/Research Fellow at Research Institute for Animal Science in Biochemistry & Toxicology (RIAS) (Japan), and Veterinary Researcher in Central Experimental Institute of Liberia (West Africa), and Veterinary Officer in Ministry of Agriculture of Liberia (West Africa). She has more than 3 decades of experiences in preclinical experiments, running general toxicity studies, reproduction/ developmental toxicity study, pharmacokinetic/toxicokinetic studies, setting up/efficacy valuation for animal disease models etc., as well as preparation of IND/ANDA documents for submission. Additionally, she was a team member for animal toxicology studies in “High Production Volume Chemicals Assessment Programme "which was advocated by OECD at 90". She is now a consultant of Pharmosa in terms of preclinical experiments.
Dr. Narang received his M.S. in Pharmaceutics from West Virginia University, and a Ph.D. in Pharmacokinetics from University of Maryland. He started his career at US National Institutes of Health after graduation. His career paths included leadership roles at Novartis, Pharmacia, GE (Medical Diagnostics), as well as Dr. Reddy’s (Biologics) in Regulatory, Quality, and Pharmacovigilance domains. Before expanding into the field of regulatory, Dr. Narang was the US Head of the Clinical Pharmacology/Pharmacokinetics group for Pharmacia. Most recently, he served as the VP of Scientific & Regulatory Strategy for a business focusing on leveraging 505(b)(2) NDA pathway. Dr. Narang brings more than 35 years of industrial experiences, not only in the scientific areas, but also in the global perspective with regulatory insights and scientific rigor into business decisions, R&D operations, and across development, marketing authorization, and brand protection. Dr. Narang is now the president of P.K. Narang Strategic Consulting providing advisory practices for life-science industry. He also serves in Advisory Board for several start-ups.